Antisense therapy in a rat model of Alexander disease reverses GFAP pathology, white matter deficits, and motor impairment

Messing, VMD, PhD, A. Antisense Therapy in a Rat Model of Alexander Disease Reverses GFAP Pathology, White Matter Deficits, and Motor Impairment.

Hagemann TL, Powers B, Lin N-H, Mohamed AF, Dague KL, Hannah SC, Bachmann G, Mazur C, Rigo F, Olsen AL, Feany MB, Perng M-D, Berman RF, Messing A. (2021). Antisense therapy in a rat model of Alexander disease reverses GFAP pathology, white matter deficits, and motor impairment. Science Translational Medicine. 13, eabg4711
[first animal model with myelin deficits, also with obvious clinical symptoms]
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